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Customs clearance

The customs representative of JSC "Cargo Terminal Pulkovo" (certificate of inclusion in the register 0948/00) offers services for customs clearance of goods.

Our advantages:

• transparent tariffs -
the cost of the first sheet of the goods declaration:

procedure of release for domestic consumption – 12,650 rubles. excluding VAT,
* export procedure - 6,900 rubles. excluding VAT,
Full price list for customs clearance services :

• discounts on the service of storing goods in a temporary storage warehouse:
when providing customs clearance services by our customs representative –

FREE STORAGE of general cargo on SVH during the period:

- three days from the moment of notification of arrival;
- during the period of registration of the declaration at the customs authority - from the day of submission to the day of release;
- the day following the day of completion of customs clearance of the cargo.

• accelerated delivery of goods from SVH after completion of customs clearance.
You can download a standard contract for customs clearance here.


In addition, we offer additional services:


- documentary support of operations for the delivery of goods from a temporary storage warehouse after the completion of customs clearance, organization of loading and unloading operations;
- examination of documents (consultations);
- passing a special type of control in state regulatory authorities (phytosanitary/ veterinary control);
- conducting (accompanying) a preliminary inspection of the goods before submitting declarations to the customs authority;
- support of customs inspection/inspection.

Contacts for more information about customs clearance services and additional services: , tel. (812)380-69-33, 380-69-34.