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Dear customers and colleagues!

In the period from 02/23/2023 to 02/26/2023, due to the replacement of an Internet provider on the territory of the CTP(Cargo terminal Pulkovo), failures in the work of personal accounts, website, telephony and mail are expected. To work with applications during the unavailability of personal accounts, you can use workstations installed in the client zone. The cabinet will be available on them, because there it does not work from the Internet. The main work on switching the channel will be carried out on 02/23/2023, it is on this day that failures will be the most frequent and longest. We kindly ask you not to arrange mass calls to the technical support phone, because this will slow down the work process. According to the plan, the main part of the work will be completed by 24.02 inclusive, but some processes will be debugged until the end of the holidays.

Employees of the IT CTP have taken all possible measures to ensure that failures are short-lived, but there are things that do not depend on people and it is physically impossible to speed up some processes.

Please take this information into account in your work and thank you for your understanding.