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Features of transportation of various cargoes

These types of cargo include most of the shipped cargo: these are personal items, equipment and spare parts, commercial materials, textile products and much more.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that standard shipments often “hide” cargo that is dangerous for transporting by aircraft:

Personal items: highly inflammable household liquids, aerosols, matches, bleaches, lighter fillers;

Spare parts and equipment: engines with residual liquids  of fuels and lubricants, compressed gases in shock absorbers, fire extinguishers, air bags, fuel tanks which hold or held fuel;

Instrument electrical equipment switches may contain mercury;

Machine parts: highly inflammable glues, paints, sealing composites;

Storage batteries: it is permitted to transport this type of cargo if a number of conditions are observed, which our specialists can tell you about in more detail;

Magnets and items made of similar material;

During the aviation inspection procedure, the aviation security service of the airport may remove part of your cargo if the documents are accomplished improperly or dangerous cargo is packed improperly.